Sunday, August 22, 2010

C.C.N.J ~ some words from a wise man, my Poppi

Stay still – experience the magnitude and wonder of
a moment: a pure space of energetic potential,
a dazzling flash of reality.

In the moment, there is no past, no future – as a concept or reality; neither exists because
it is Now: a focal point of awareness contained within infinite awareness.

My Poppi was a firm believer in empowering people with his "C.C.N.J" viewpoint. For those of you blessed to give up 2hrs to listen (LOL), IF you truly did listen, it is deep, but so fitting.

Cliff Note version:

C - "Choice" - Having a choice in our lives everyday...
C - "Change" - Commiting to making a change...
N - "Now" - Living in the NOW...(no regrets, don't look back, in the moment)
J - "Journey" - Enjoying the journey...whatever/wherever it may take is YOURS.

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